
Research on marine resource and environment carrying capacity based on marine ecosystem services—a case study of Daya bay

  • 摘要: 本文以大亚湾滩涂区域为例,梳理了大亚湾生态系统服务功能,在此基础上构建了大亚湾滩涂资源环境承载力的指标体系,包括4个层次14个指标,对大亚湾滩涂区域的资源环境承载能力进行了评估。评估结果显示,2000年~2014年期间,大亚湾滩涂资源环境承载力变化范围为0.23~0.72,平均值为0.51,整体上呈现上升的趋势,大亚湾滩涂资源承载力属于较差到良好两个级别,其中2000年~2007年8年属于较差级别,2007年以后属于良好级别。提升大亚湾滩涂资源环境承载力可以从经济、社会和生态三方面入手,控制陆域污染、优化产业结构和恢复自然资源是提升资源环境承载力的关键。


    Abstract: In order to assess the marine carrying capacity of Daya bay, this paper established a evaluation index system of marine resource and environment carrying capacity(MERCC) based on marine ecosystem services, which included four factors and 14 indexes.The results showed that the value of MRECC of Daya bay ranged from 0.23 to 0.72, and the average value was 0.51, with an increasing trend as a whole.The MRECC of Daya bay showed low level in 2000~2007, and then increased to middle level in following years.The MRECC was mainly influenced by economic factors, social factors and ecological factors.The key procedure to improve MRECC was to control the land sourced pollutant, to optimize the industrial structure and to restore the nature resource.


