
Research progress in nitrogen and oxygen isotopic composition of marine nitrous oxide

  • 摘要: 氧化亚氮(N2O)不仅是重要的温室气体之一,还对臭氧层具有破坏作用。由于人为活动加剧,导致大气N2O浓度以每年约0.25%的速率增加。海洋是大气N2O的重要释放源。海洋溶存N2O的氮、氧同位素组成可以反映N2O的源与汇以及N2O的形成机制,是海洋氮循环过程研究的一个重要示踪指标。本文简述海洋N2O产生和消耗机制,总结不同环境中N2O稳定氮、氧同位素组成和N2O循环过程的同位素分馏效应,并回顾了国际上应用稳定氮、氧同位素研究海洋N2O形成机制的研究进展,最后评述我国近海N2O稳定氮、氧同位素研究现状并提出展望。


    Abstract: Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an important greenhouse gas, and plays a significant role in the stratospheric ozone depletion. Atmospheric N2O concentration has been increasing at an annual rate of 0.25%, primarily due to human activities. Marine waters are the major hotspot of N2O production. The nitrogen and oxygen isotope of N2O are tracers for the production and consumption of N2O in the ocean, which is a useful tool for marine N2O cycle study. Herein, we present a brief review of marine N2O production and consumption in the context of the nitrogen cycle. Then nitrogen and oxygen isotopic composition of N2O in different environment and the isotopic fractionation effect on N2O cycle were summarized. Current applications of nitrogen and oxygen isotope in the associated processes of N2O in the marine systems were reviewed. Finally, we commented the current status and perspective of applying nitrogen and oxygen isotope in the N2O cycle in the coastal China Sea.


