基于Landsat 8珠江口悬浮泥沙四季遥感反演与分析

Based on Landsat 8 suspended sediment concentration of the Pearl River on each season inversion and analysis

  • 摘要: 本文利用2014年珠江口海域四个季度实测悬浮泥沙数据和Landsat 8多光谱遥感数据,进行了该海域四个季度的悬浮泥沙遥感反演与分析。反演结果表明,珠江口海域冬季悬浮泥沙浓度最低,分布从近岸向离岸逐渐递减;与冬季相比,受春季珠江口径流量逐渐增加的影响,悬浮泥沙含量有所增加,悬浮泥沙的整体状态呈现东北-西南走向的带状状态,平行于海域的西岸,沿着东南向逐渐降低;夏季珠江口为丰水期,受季节性上升流和径流量增大等因素的影响,悬浮泥沙含量达最大,高值区域主要分布在沿岸口门附近,近岸到离岸逐渐递减;秋季珠江口悬浮泥沙含量较少,高值主要集中在河口区域,这是由于秋季珠江口的径流流量减小,淡水冲击力不强,上升流减弱,高浓度主要集中在入海口和口门附近。


    Abstract: The paper used suspended sediment concentration (SSC) data of the Pearl River on each season of 2014 and Landsat 8 multispectral data to do inversion and analysis. It is fond that SSC is lowest in winter but highest in summer, the intermediate valueinfluenced by runoff, moonsoon, seasonal upwelling is in spring and autumn. The value is higher along nearshore than offshore in winter. SSC is more higher in spring than in winter. The distribution of SSC is northeast-southwest trending and gradually decreasing. It is a wet period in summer that SSC is the highest. Higher value is concentrated on entrance, offshore value is lower. The distribution of SSC in autumn is higher value concentrationed on the top of the Pearl River and entrance.


