
Comparison of calculation methods for the design value of single layer ice thickness—A case study of JZ20-2 sea area in Liaodong bay

  • 摘要: 单层平整冰厚的合理取值是海洋工程海冰灾害风险评估的重要内容。本文利用JZ20-2海域的实测环境数据,分别使用实测冰厚统计分析、海冰区划设计条件、累计负气温法3种方法对该海域的单层平整冰厚进行推算,进而对3种推算方法的结果合理性、安全性与可行性进行了评价。结果表明:对于我国冰区的海洋工程海冰风险评估,宜选用海冰区划方法和实测数据统计分析法,以确定安全合理的单层平整冰厚取值。


    Abstract: The reasonable value of single layer ice thickness is important for sea ice disaster risk assessment to ocean engineering.The design value of single layer ice thickness for JZ20-2 sea area was calculated based on field measured data, utilizing statistical analysis, sea ice zoning design conditions and the negative accumulated temperature method.Then the calculation results, feasibility and safety of the three methods were evaluated.Results show that, for the sea ice risk assessment of China, the sea ice zoning method and the statistics analysis method were proposed to used to determine the design value of the single layer ice thickness.


