Distributions of dissolved carbohydrates in the northern South China Sea during summer
GONG Ci, YANG Gui-peng
2017, 36(3): 321-327. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170301
Abstract PDF
Analysis of major pollution factors in sea water and surface sediments and contribution of pollution sources in Xiangshan bay
WU Yan-ni, LI Dong-ling, YE Lin-an, XU Hao, LI Jia-lin
2017, 36(3): 328-335. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170302
Abstract PDF
Preliminary evaluation on the nitrogen and phosphorus loads by mariculture in China
ZONG Hu-min, YUAN Xiu-tang, WANG Li-jun, YU Li-min, HU Ying-ying, HUO Chuan-lin, ZHANG Zhi-feng
2017, 36(3): 336-342. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170303
Abstract PDF
Distribution and influencing factors of COD, along with the relationship with eutrophication in Tianjin coastal area
SUN Huan, ZHANG Qiu-feng, TU Jian-bo, MA Yu-yan, YIN Cui-ling, WANG Bin
2017, 36(3): 343-348, 371. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170304
Abstract PDF
The distribution characteristics and seasonal variation of total dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus in the surface of Qinzhou bay
QIN Xian-ling, CHEN Xian-yun, LAI Jun-xiang, JIANG Fa-jun, CHEN Bo
2017, 36(3): 349-353. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170305
Abstract PDF
Abundance and production of bacteria and their correlations with environmental factor
JI Feng-yun, GUO Li-mei, LI Hong-bo, MING Hong-xia, SU Jie, ZAN Shuai-jun, GUAN Chun-jiang, MA Yue-xin, WANG Jian-ning, ZHAO Wen, FAN Jing-feng
2017, 36(3): 354-359. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170306
Abstract PDF
The spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of Chlorophyll-a in the coastal waters of Mirs bay
PANG Ren-song, ZHOU Kai, PANG Na, HUAN Qing-liu, ZHUANG Xiao-shan, ZHOU Qiu-ling
2017, 36(3): 360-365. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170307
Abstract PDF
Quality assessment of aquatic environment and fluxes of major pollutants to the Xiaoqing River estuary
SUN Wei, ZHANG Shou-ben, YANG Jian-sen, WEI Xiao, ZHU Jin-long, LIU Yuan-jin
2017, 36(3): 366-371. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170308
Abstract PDF
Determination of heavy metal contents in macroalgae from the Nanji Islands, China
YANG Cheng-hu, CAI Jing-bo, ZHANG Peng, CHEN Wan-dong, NAN Chun-rong
2017, 36(3): 372-378, 384. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170309
Abstract PDF
Study on dispersion efficacy of dispersant on subsurface oil release
QIAN Guo-dong, ZHAO Yu-peng, AN Wei, YU Shun
2017, 36(3): 379-384. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170310
Abstract PDF
Seasonal variations of net macrozooplankton community characteristics and its relationship with environmental factors of the sea area around Xiaoheishan island in China
ZHANG Zhi-peng, TANG Xue-xi, WANG Qi-xiang, TANG Hai-tian, LIU Hong-jun
2017, 36(3): 385-391, 415. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170311
Abstract PDF
Mercury species in surface water from Yellow Sea to Northwest Pacific Ocean
LIU Shi-xuan, LIU Ru-hai, WANG Yan, MA Xue-lin, ZHANG Yan-yan, ZHAO Jin
2017, 36(3): 392-397. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170312
Abstract PDF
Pollution status and potential ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in surface sediments of Anpu port
DENG Yan, YU Ze-bin, ZHOU Yan-wu, CHEN Lan, PENG Xiao-yan, LAN Wen-lu
2017, 36(3): 398-405. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170313
Abstract PDF
Modelling flow transport based on the particle tracking in tidal channels of radial sand ridges in south Yellow Sea
YAO Jing, TAO Jian-feng, YANG Jie, LI Yun-liang
2017, 36(3): 406-415. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170314
Abstract PDF
Research on the Characteristics of Ulva. Prolifera in Yellow Sea and East Sea
LIU Fan, FEI Xian-yun, WANG Min-ye, ZHANG Hong, LI Ting-gu
2017, 36(3): 416-421. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170315
Abstract PDF
Predicting the potential distribution of wetland-dependant birds, based on garp niche model and BP algorithm
ZOU Li-li, CHEN Xiao-xiang, CHEN Hong-quan, LIU Yu-qing, YU Ying-peng
2017, 36(3): 422-426. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170316
Abstract PDF
Modeling the water exchange in Haizhou bay and adjacent sea
ZHANG Xue-qing, SUN Ya-jie, WANG Xing, LIU Pei-ting, XIONG Ying
2017, 36(3): 427-433. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170317
Abstract PDF
Distribution of size-fractional Chlorophyll a and its controlling factors during dry and wet seasons in Qinzhou bay
MO Yu, LONG Han, LAN Wen-lu, XU Song-li, LI Tian-shen
2017, 36(3): 434-440. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170318
Abstract PDF
Influences of the Yanghe reservoir flood discharges on water quality in coastal waters
GU Jie, HU Cheng-fei, MAO Xiao-dan, KUANG Cui-ping, ZHANG Wan-lei
2017, 36(3): 441-448. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170319
Abstract PDF
Study on the biomass and phytoplankton structure of the Bamen bay and adjacent waters based on analysis of photosynthetic pigments of Hainan province
LI Ming, WANG Yan, HU Jun, ZHANG Guo-sen, ZHU Zhuo-yi, WU Ying, ZHANG Jing
2017, 36(3): 449-455, 467. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170320
Abstract PDF
Development of the Blue 100 Ocean Economy Stock Price Index
ZHAO Rui, FU Rui-quan, ZHAO Xin, LI Ming-xin, LU Wen-hai, CUI Xiao-jian
2017, 36(3): 456-463. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170321
Abstract PDF
The research and implementation of the task standardization of the marine environmental monitoring program
SUI Wei-na, TAO Guan-feng, ZHAO Hui, MA Ming-hui, LIANG Bin, LIANG Ya-hui, ZHU Rong-juan, ZHANG Peng-ji
2017, 36(3): 464-467. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170322
Abstract PDF
Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in marine sediment samples by gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry
ZHANG Yu-feng, SONG Yong-gang, YANG Shuang, TIAN Jin, YU Cai-fen, WU Jin-hao
2017, 36(3): 468-473. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20170323
Abstract PDF
Marine environmental monitoring in major countries of the world and its enlightenment to China
LI Xiao, XU Yan, YANG Lu, LIU Shu-ming, ZUO Guo-cheng
2017, 36(3): 474-480. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes.2017.03.024
Abstract PDF