International comparison of 90Sr analysis in seawater
Graphical Abstract
To examine and improve the analytical method of 90Sr in seawater, we participated in the international comparison of 90Sr analysis in seawater organized by International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) via the method of solvent extraction with bis-2-ethylthexyl-phosphoric acid(HDEHP) in n-heptane with β counting.The result was consistent with the reference value provided by IAEA.The minimum detection activity is as low as 0.14 Bq/m3 based on the present method.This analytical method of 90Sr can be the supplemental method for the national environmental protection standard PRC HJ815-2016 and is one of candidate methods for state standard on 90Sr analysis in seawater to satisfy the demand of 90Sr analysis in seawater under the background of a rapid development of nuclear power plants along the coastline of China.