Evaluation of JinTang islands port marine traffic resource carrying capacity
Graphical Abstract
Based on concept and connotation of port traffic resource carrying capacity, the paper construct the port traffic resource carrying capacity theory model, which including the calculation method of port channel resource carrying capacity, anchorage capacity, berth capacity and early-warning standard.By using the carrying capacity theory model, example verification was carried out in JinTang islands port.Calculation result shows that by using the proposed model.Channel resources are not the bottleneck factors of port traffic resource carrying capacity in the future.Anchorage resources will be the bottleneck factors of port economic development in the future.The service strength of the port berth is difficult to meet the needs of seaport logistics economic development.According to the research of this paper, three suggestions are put forward.First, the space resources of JinTang islands should be optimized, in order to maximize the utilization of the space resources in the port area.Anchorage resources should be reasonably planned and built an extension.At least 6 new berths will be added to the port by 2020, and the existing port infrastructure should be optimized to make the terminal service more efficient.Second, the container sea-rail intermodal transport should be vigorously promoted, and transformation and upgrading of port transportation mode of JinTang islands should be promoted to accelerate.Third, intelligent-control ports construction should be actively promoted, in order to effectively enhance the JinTang islands port comprehensive service capacity.