Dynamic evolvement of landscape pattern and its driving forces in Yalujiang delta coastal wetland during the last 30 years
Graphical Abstract
Using landscape pattern index and multiple regression analysis combined the 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2019 remote sensing images to explore landscape pattern fluctuation and the mechanism of social environment driving factors in Yalujiang delta wetland during the past 30 years. The result showed: (1) the total area of reed wetland and forest decreased significantly, with the dynamic degrees of −1.00% and −1.22% respectively. On the contrary the area of land type reservoir, pond, farm, and construction land increased dramatically, with the dynamic degrees of 5.95%, 0.83% and 5.29% respectively. (2) the number and density of landscape patches of paddy field, farm, reservoir, pond and construction land showed a rising trend. Patches number, patches density and index of fragmentation and the average fractal dimension of reed wetland landscape occurred a sharp reduction. (3) Overall, landscape diversity index, landscape evenness index can be divided into three phases during 1995 to 2010. The decrease of diversity index and evenness index and the increase of the largest patch index and contagion index can reveal the effect of human activities on the landscape patterns. (4) The raise of social-economic indicators GDP and output of seawater culturing was the major driving force to change the landscape pattern and reduce the area of natural wetland. This study can provide important reference for the future protection, utilization and planning of coastal wetland in Yalujiang delta.