Determination and analysis of petroleum hydrocarbons in seafood caught alone the coastal of Jiangsu province
Graphical Abstract
In this study, the petroleum hydrocarbon content of key seafood in Jiangsu coastal cities (Lianyungang, Yancheng and Nantong) was monitored from 2021 to 2022. The distribution of petroleum hydrocarbon content and the pollution situation between coastal cities were compared and analyzed by species. Single-factor pollution index method was used to evaluate the petroleum hydrocarbon pollution situation. The results showed that petroleum hydrocarbon contamination was widespread in seafood from Jiangsu coastal cities, but that most of the content was low, The range of petroleum hydrocarbon content was ND~25.1 mg/kg (wet weight, the same below) with a mean value 6.1 mg/kg. The content ranked as bivalves > cephalopods > crustaceans > fish by analyzing product types and fish was the smallest in general. Lianyungang had the lowest rate of petroleum hydrocarbon detection, which was thought to be connected to local pollution, according to a horizontal comparison of the three sample cities. The hydrocarbon pollution of marine products in the coastal of Jiangsu province was evaluated by the single-factor pollution index method. The pollution index was between 0~1.02, with an average value of 0.53, and 97.1% of the product pollution index was less than 1. In general, the majority of fish and cephalopods were not or just mildly polluted by hydrocarbon contamination, whereas bivalves were moderately but not severely polluted.Most of the marine goods tested in Jiangsu coastal cities between 2021 and 2022 were neither affected or were very marginally polluted by petroleum hydrocarbons, and the biological quality was generally good.