Impact to the the seawater intrusion around sand coast in Suizhong with the variations of groundwater level and sea level
Graphical Abstract
Through long-term monitoring of groundwater level and conductibility in the transition and intrusion zones of seawater intrusion for the sand coast area, conbined with the analysis of the seasonal groundwater exploitation and sea level change, the influence of sea level and groundwater level change on seawater intrusion in the Liugu river area has been analyzed.From 2012 to 2016 year, underground water level of S-1 and S-2 wells were decreased by 4.60 m and 0.59 m respectively, resulting in S-1 wells without water in withered water period.At the same time, the seasonal variation of sea level aggravate seawater intrusion in this area, which the S-1 well is completely controlled by the seawater with higher conductivity value, and groundwater conductivity value of S-2 increased, causing increasing trend of seawater intrusion.