Resource assessment of wintering waterfowl in Binzhou Shell-dyke Island and Wetland National Nature Reserve, China
Graphical Abstract
Surveys of wintering waterfowl in Binzhou Shell-dyke Island and Wetland National Nature Reserve were carried out during September 2016 to April 2017.A total of 54 waterfowl species belonging to 7 orders and 12 families were found.Shorebirds, gulls and ducks, accounting for 83.33% of the total species, had emerged as the dominant species in wintering period.Waterfowl species and individual numbers in mid-winter (19 species and 9042 individuals) were obviously lower than those in pre-winter (29 species and 28002 individuals) and post-winter (36 species and 21043 individuals).This distribution of waterfowl in wintering period was likely due to the change of environment temperature.Shannon-Weaver diversity index, Pielou evenness index and Margalef richness index were averaged 2.82, 0.59 and 1.90, respectively, showing that waterfowl community diversity in wintering period was relatively high, and further indicating that coastal wetlands in the Binzhou Reserve is an appropriate habitat for waterfowl wintering.Thus, the Binzhou Reserve should be a name on the List of Ramsar wetlands of international importance as soon as possible for better conservation of waterfowl and their habitat.