Study on the connection between sea reclamation and land management in Fujian
Graphical Abstract
This paper summarizes the practical experience of the connection between sea reclamation and land management in Fujian province from the following three fields:1.the conformance between construction projects after sea reclamation and land use planning; 2.the legal procedure of replacing sea area using rights to land using rights, including management process and supplementary payment of land-transferring fees; 3.the extension of substantive rights (e.g., obligee and duration) between sea area use and land use.In general, Fujian province has built up a relatively perfect system on the above fields.However, there are still some legal and practical issues to be resolved.To improve the connection between sea reclamation and land management in Fujian, several suggestions are given, which mainly include drawing up an overall planning of both land and sea, constructing the benefit sharing mechanism between marine department and land department, and clearing the duration of sea area using rights and land using rights.