Preliminary research of intertidal macrobenthic community structural features in Geligang, Liaohe estuary in summer
Graphical Abstract
An investigation of macrobenthos of the intertidal zone was reported in this paper, which was carried out in Geligang, Liaohe estuary during August 2013.5 sections were set, and 6 stations are set for each section.Base on this, horizontal structures of the community species, density and biomass were analyzed.Biodiversity index, evenness index, cluster analysis, and ABC functions were carried out to describe the community structure.52 species of Macrobenthos were found in the 5 sections.The most species including 33 taxes appeared in section T2 on the northeast and the least species including 14 taxes appeared in section T5 on the south.The highest density and biomass occurred in section T4 on the northwest and the lowest density and biomass occurred in section T3 on the north.The community of each station can be divided into 4 categories according to the cluster analysis.ABC functions show that the T2, T3, and T5 sections are relatively stable, and suffered lower disturbance.On the contrary, T1 and T4 sections are highly interfered.