Assessment of the reclamation resource potential based on ecosystem function in Dalian City
Graphical Abstract
In this study, the reclamation resource zones(RRZ) in Dalian were divided into two categories, original wetland and artificial wetland, of which, original wetland mainly was composed of bedrock coast, sandy coast and clay coast, while artificial one including farm pond, brine pan and reservoir. The ecosystem service values of the RRZ of Dalian coast were evaluated, the coast area and length data of different types of Dalian coast in 2000 and 2010 were extracted from the remote sensing images, the reclamation resource potential for Dalian coast were evaluated with the assessment model based on ecosystem function. Results showed that Reclamation resource potential value of Dalian coast is that: artificial wetland original wetland, the reclamation resource potential value of original wetland is that: sandy coast clay cost bedrock coast; the reclamation resource potential value of artificial wetland is that: farm pond reservoir brine pan.