Occurrence and source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) in the surficial sediment of the Bohai Sea
Graphical Abstract
The concentration level,spatial distribution and source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) in the surficialsediments of the Bohai Sea were investigated.The results indicated that the concentrations oftotal PAHs (PAHs) ranged from 21.910-9 to 586.410-9(dry weight,dw) with the mean value of 175.110-9 dw.The concentration in sediments of the Bohai Bay with the mean value of 430.910-9 dw was significantly higher than those of the other areas.Significantly positive correlation between PAHs and TOCs(p0.05)implied thatthe organic contentwas one importantfactor affecting the migration and distribution of PAHs in seawater.The characteristic distribution of different rings indicated that PAHs in the Bohaiseawas mainly from the combustionof petroleum and related products,coal and biomass.