Predicting the evolution of shoal-type intertidal wetland in the south Bohai sea along Shandong coastline
Graphical Abstract
This study aims to predict the spatial distribution of intertidal wetlands in the south Bohai Sea along Shandong Coastline.The mean low water (MLW) lines and mean high water springs (MHWS) lines of wetlands were modeled for the period of 2010~2100 at 10-year intervals by using recorded mean high and low water levels.Modeling results show that intertidal wetlands will be clustered in the south and west parts of the Laizhou Bay, evolving from the initial strip-shaped to the asymmetric circular ones.These wetlands will help the city of Dongying and the city of Weifang to obtain the ecological benefit from the wetlands and the economic benefit from salt pan and Aquaculture ponds.