Preliminary estimates of cross shelf transport flux of nutrients in the East China Sea in spring
Graphical Abstract
Concentrations of nutrient in the East China Sea were determined in spring, 2011.Concentrations of nutrients displayed obviously variability in the Yangtze River estuary, with higher levels in the shallow coastal waters influenced by Yangtze River diluted water.The main factor affecting the distribution of nutrients in the open sea was the Kuroshio.The flux of nutrients across the 200m isobath were calculated and studied.The results indicated that there were two areas where positive onshore flux was concentrated.One was northeast of Taiwan where the Kuroshio bumps against the shelf break and induces a large onshore flux of volume and nutrients.The other was located southwest of Kyushu where the Kuroshio veers toward Tokara Strait.Along the shelf break between them, the Kuroshio onshore flux of volume and nutrients was generally negative, indicating an offshore transport of water and nutrients.The Kuroshio onshore flux in spring was 0.44 Sv for volume, 8.93 kmol/s for DIN, 0.46 kmol/s for DIP, and 8.22 kmol/s for silicate.The Taiwan Warm Current onshore flux in spring was 2.40 Sv for volume, 6.65 kmol/s for DIN, 0.41 kmol/s for DIP, and 6.52 kmol/s for silicate.The values of the nutrient flux were on the same order as The Kuroshio.