Uncertainty analysis on ecosystem-based carrying capacity of island: A case study in the Southern Island Group of Miaodao Archipelago
LI Fen, SHEN Cheng-cheng, SHI Hong-hua, CHI Yuan, GUO Zhen, DING De-wen
2016, 35(4): 481-488. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160401
Abstract PDF
Effects of 2E, 4E-decadienal on the photosynthetic pigments of three species of phytoplankton
ZHUANG Jie, DU Meng-meng, WANG Xiao-dong, WANG Yan
2016, 35(4): 489-494. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160402
Abstract PDF
The research on nutrients release during the decomposition of Chaetomorpha sp.
MENG Xiang-sen, SHAO Xue-lin, GAO Li, WEI Quan, XU Gang
2016, 35(4): 495-500. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160403
Abstract PDF
Photocatalytic efficiency of nano-Ce/SnO2 in the treatment of aquaculture wastewater
YU Xiao-cai, SHANG Xiao-lin, JI Qiu-yi, ZHANG Jian, QI Xin-yang, JIN Xiao-jie
2016, 35(4): 501-506. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160404
Abstract PDF
Trophic level estimation of organisms in landings from Haizhou bay using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis
ZHANG Shuo, XIE Bin, FU Xiao-ming, ZHANG Hu, LI Yun-kai
2016, 35(4): 507-511. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160405
Abstract PDF
The evaluation of efficiency of land-based pollution government based on DEA-Malmquist index
LI Jing-mei, SU Hong-yan
2016, 35(4): 512-519. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160406
Abstract PDF
Data changes of main water quality parameters of monitoring buoys during brown tide blooms in Qinhuangdao between 2013 and 2014
MA Fang-fang, ZHANG Wan-lei, ZHANG Yong-feng, ZHANG Jian-le
2016, 35(4): 520-525. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160407
Abstract PDF
Environmental quality assessment of macrozoobenthos in Binzhou shallow sea waters
WANG Zhi-zhong, ZHANG Jin-lu, XU GUO-jing, DUAN Deng-xuan, SUN Tong-qiu, WANG Yu-qing, JING Zhong-hua, WANG Chong
2016, 35(4): 526-533. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160408
Abstract PDF
The assessment of carrying capacity of marine fishery resources based on the non-equilibrium production model-A case study in Zhejiang province
YANG Yang, LIU Zhi-guo, HE Yan-long, YE Shu-feng
2016, 35(4): 534-539. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160409
Abstract PDF
The current situation and pollution feather analysis of water quality on coastal waters of the northwest Liaodong bay
YU Da-tao, GAO Fan, JIANG Heng-zhi
2016, 35(4): 540-544. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160410
Abstract PDF
Acute and chronic toxicity of lubricating oil to water fleas Moina mongolica
WANG Shan, GUO Kai, ZHENG Kai-jing, ZHAO Wen
2016, 35(4): 545-550. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160411
Abstract PDF
Biomass estimating medels established for coastal Tamarix chinensis
CHEN Peng-fei, LIU Chang-an, ZHANG Yue, ZHANG Yan-hua, LU Wei-zhi, ZHOU Sheng-ling, HAN Ming-fu, YU Cai-fen
2016, 35(4): 551-556. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160412
Abstract PDF
Numerical study on impacts of the north branch narrowing on sediment distribution at the north branch in the Yangtze River estuary
CHENG Li-zhuang, TANG Jun, WANG Zhen-hua, WANG Shou-dong
2016, 35(4): 557-563. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160413
Abstract PDF
The community structure of phytoplankton sampled by nets in the coastal seawaters of Bohai bay in spring and autumn
WANG Yu, LIU Lu-san, ZHU Yan-zhong, LIN Kui-xuan, ZHOU Juan, XIA Yang
2016, 35(4): 564-570. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160414
Abstract PDF
In-situ observation and three-dimensional numerical simulation of cooling water discharge from Bayuquan thermal power plant
YAN Yu, SHAO Dong-dong, GU Wei, YUAN Shuai, LI Ying, CHAO Jin-long, LI Qian
2016, 35(4): 571-579. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160415
Abstract PDF
Identification of susceptibility of harmful algal blooms and determining the key monitoring zones in the coastal water of Hainan Island
LÜ Shu-guo, TANG Dan-ling, GUAN Xue-bin, CEN Jing-yi, LÜ Song-Hui
2016, 35(4): 580-586. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160416
Abstract PDF
Variation analysis of sea surface wind over China seas using global wind products
LI Zheng-quan, XIAO Jing-jing, ZHANG Yu-hui, MA Hao
2016, 35(4): 587-593. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160417
Abstract PDF
Associated and free-living bacteria community structure and diversity of Liaohe estuary
ZAN Shuai-jun, FAN Jing-feng, MING Hong-xia, SU Jie, GUO Hao
2016, 35(4): 594-599. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160418
Abstract PDF
Analysis of suspended sediment concentration remote sensing models in winter and spring in the Pearl River estuary
FU Dong-yang, LUAN Hong, LIU Da-zhao, ZHANG Ying, DING You-zhuan, WANG Wen-fang, LI Xue, JIANG Cheng-fei
2016, 35(4): 600-604. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes.2016.04.019
Abstract PDF
Preliminary study on brown tide of Picophytoplankton algal monitoring by remote sensing in Qinhuangdao coastal sea
YANG Bin, SHI Jing, TIAN Li, XU Wen-jia
2016, 35(4): 605-610. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160420
Abstract PDF
Continuous underway measurements of sea surface O2/Ar and pCO2 by membrane inlet mass spectrometry
ZHENG Wen-jing, HAN Yu, QIN Chuan, ZHANG Gui-ling
2016, 35(4): 611-617. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160421
Abstract PDF
Determination of dissolved trace Zn in seawater with different salinity by a hig speed separation and preconcentration method in a knotted reactor coupled with flame atomic absorption spectrometry
WANG Zhong-yuan, ZHANG Hong-kang, YU Han-sheng, LI Xiao-min, CAI Jian-wen, CAI Si-si
2016, 35(4): 618-622. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160422
Abstract PDF
Influence of chemical dispersant on interactions between marine spilled oil and suspended particles
XIA Wen-xiang, YANG Le, YE Zhi-bo, CHEN Ya-ran, DENG Rui-jie
2016, 35(4): 623-627. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160423
Abstract PDF
Progress of the studies on hemolytic toxin structure in marine algae
YANG Lin, LIU Lei, XU Dao-yan, LI Dong-mei, LIU Ren-yan, LIANG Yu-bo
2016, 35(4): 628-634. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160424
Abstract PDF
Advances in the environmental factors of brown tide of Aureococcus anophagefferens
LEI Lei, YAO Peng
2016, 35(4): 635-640. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160425
Abstract PDF