Studies on the chemical compositions of extracellular polymeric substances from marine benthic diatoms
CHEN Qi, ZHENG Ji-yong, YANG Jing-ya, LIN Cun-guo, SONG Hong-qing
2016, 35(5): 641-646. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160501
Abstract PDF
Influence of cadmium on antioxidant defense system injuvenile of Orechromis niloticus
WANG Xiao-jiao, HU Guo-cheng, ZHANG Li-juan, LI Jian-zhu, GUO Shu, LIU Yun, GAN Lian, CUI Ke
2016, 35(5): 647-651. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160502
Abstract PDF
Distribution,chemical composition and ecological risk assessment of phthalic acid esters in surface sediments from typical coastal zones of Qingdao City
ZHANG Dao-lai, LIU Na, ZHU Zhi-gang, LU Jing-fang, LIN Xue-hui, ZHANG Yuan-yuan, HOU Guo-hua, YIN Ping
2016, 35(5): 652-657. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160503
Abstract PDF
Pollution risk mapping for inorganic nitrogen in water environment of East China Sea
LAN Dong-dong, LI Mian, BAO Chen-guang, XU Yan, LIANG Bin, YU Chun-yan, MA Ming-hui
2016, 35(5): 658-661. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160504
Abstract PDF
The nutrients distribution of the interstitial water and the exchange flux in the northeastern South China Sea
ZHAO Chun-yu, TAN Ye-hui, KE Zhi-xin, LI Jia-jun, JIANG Xin, XIANG Chen-hui
2016, 35(5): 662-669. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160505
Abstract PDF
Eco-chemical factor evaluation among different types of wetlands on Qi'ao Island, Zhuhai
MIAO Shen-yu, LONG Lian-di, TAO Wen-qin, ZENG Qing-chang, CHEN Wei-lin, CHEN Jian-hui, WANG Hou-lin
2016, 35(5): 670-677. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160506
Abstract PDF
Different forms of nitrogen in the typical intertidal zones in China
GUO Hui-li, WANG Yu-jue, GAO Wei-ming, WANG Yan-xia, LIU Dong-yan
2016, 35(5): 678-684. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160507
Abstract PDF
Distribution of size-fractionated Chlorophyll a and its controlling factors in the surface waters of Qinzhou bay
LAI Jun-xiang, QIN Xian-ling, JIANG Fa-jun, XU Ming-ben, ZHANG Rong-can, LU Jia-chang
2016, 35(5): 685-691. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160508
Abstract PDF
Water environmental health risk assessment in typical Estuary-A case study of Liao River estuary
YUAN Lei, SUN Yong-guang, KANG Jing, FAN Jing-feng, FU Yuan-bin
2016, 35(5): 692-696. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160509
Abstract PDF
Variation of diamondoid compounds in the fuel oil during long-term natural weathering
YANG Bai-juan, YAO Peng, YU Zhi-gang
2016, 35(5): 697-702. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160510
Abstract PDF
Description of nitrogen metabolism pathway based on Skeletonema marinoi transcriptome
JING Xiao-li, MI Tie-zhu, ZHEN Yu, FU Bao-zhong, LI Cheng-feng, YU Zhi-gang
2016, 35(5): 703-711. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160511
Abstract PDF
Distribution and potential ecological risk evaluation of heavy metals in surface sediments of Fangcheng bay of Guangxi
LI Xiao-yu, HE Xiang-ying, LUO Wan-ci, HUANG Qi-xi
2016, 35(5): 712-717. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160512
Abstract PDF
Status and causes of beach erosion in east coast of Wanning
TIAN Hui-bo, YIN Ping, JIA Yong-gang
2016, 35(5): 718-724. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160513
Abstract PDF
Remote sensing monitoring of the mangrove forests resources of Kra Isthmus in Thailand
LIANG Hao, MA Yi, REN Guang-bo
2016, 35(5): 725-731. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160514
Abstract PDF
Status and evaluation on nutrients for the adjacent sea water of the Yellow River estuary in autumn of 2014
HU Qin, QU Liang, HUANG Bi-gui, LI Qiang, YOU Qi-ming
2016, 35(5): 732-738. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160515
Abstract PDF
Distribution characteristics of petroleum hydrocarbons in seawater of Laizhou bay
QIN Hua-wei, LIU Xia, ZHANG Juan, GU Wei-li, SU Bo, HE Xin, ZHANG Yun-chang, ZHANG Xiu-zhen
2016, 35(5): 739-742. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160516
Abstract PDF
Spatial-temporal changes of nutrient and eutrophication status in Jiaojiang estuary
QIAN Jian, JIA Yi-ran, FENG Wei-hua, CHEN Li-hong, CHEN De-hui, HUANG Bao-xing
2016, 35(5): 743-749. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160517
Abstract PDF
Analysis on environmental vulnerability of the coastal zone in Jiaozhou bay
LIU Jian
2016, 35(5): 750-755. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160518
Abstract PDF
The current situation analysis and management countermeasures of reclamation in Fujian
PAN Fei-fei
2016, 35(5): 756-759. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160519
Abstract PDF
The characteristic of carbon stable isotopic fingerprints of oil spill during the weathering process
LIU Yu, WANG Hai-xia, FENG Tian-shu, LI Ying, HAN Jun-song
2016, 35(5): 760-763. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160520
Abstract PDF
Pilot study on selecting method of important marine eco-function areas——a case study in Quanzhou bay
LIAO Jian-ji, MA Zhi-yuan, HUANG Hao, CHEN Bin, HU Wen-jia, ZHENG Sen-lin
2016, 35(5): 764-769. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160521
Abstract PDF
The remote sensing retrieval of total suspended matter in Xiamen bay
MA Wan-dong, WU Chuan-qing, YIN Shou-jing, WANG Chen, NIE Yi-huang, LIN Hui, LI Jing-rong
2016, 35(5): 770-773. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160522
Abstract PDF
Retrieval of Secchi disk depth using MODIS satellite remote sensing and in situ observations in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea
YU Ding-feng, ZHOU Yan, XING Qian-guo, GAI Ying-ying, ZHOU Bin, FAN Yan-guo
2016, 35(5): 774-779. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160523
Abstract PDF
Studying bilge water treatment by combination of Fenton reagent and potassium monopersulfate
LIANG Hao-rui, WANG Meng-qi, YANG Gui-peng, DING Hai-bing
2016, 35(5): 780-786. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160524
Abstract PDF
The distribution, impacts and risks of toxic microalgae and phycotoxins in China
LIU Ren-yan, LIU Lei, LIANG Yu-bo, YU Ji, XU Dao-yan, WEI Ning, YANG Lin, GUO Hao
2016, 35(5): 787-800. DOI: 10.13634/j.cnki.mes20160525
Abstract PDF