Ingestion, egestion and toxic effects of fluorescent polystyrene microspheres on the Polychaete, Perinereis aibuhitensis
CONG Yi, ZHOU Jian-hang, SUN Li-jun, WANG Ju-ying
2019, 38(2): 161-166. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190201
Study on the legislation of the marine plastic and microplastic management
ZHANG Jia-xu, LIU Qing, ZHANG Cheng-long, DENG Yi-xiang, AN Li-hui
2019, 38(2): 167-177. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190202
Application of instrumental analysis techniques in marine microplastics research
GAO Nan, KONG Xiang-feng, LIU Yan, GAO Yang, LV Jing
2019, 38(2): 178-186. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190203
Review on methods for extraction and isolation of microplastics in aquatic organisms
LI Ling-yun, ZHU Jing-min, LI Jia-na, CAI Hui-wen, SHI Hua-hong
2019, 38(2): 187-191, 197. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190204
Toxicity research progress of microplastics on microalgae
WANG Su-chun, LIU Guang-zhou, ZHANG Huan, HUANG Tian-yuan, LIU Fei-fei
2019, 38(2): 192-197. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190205
The pollution characteristics of microplastics in the water and sediments of Sanggou bay in the Yellow Sea
XIONG Kuan-xu, ZHAO Xin-yue, ZHOU Qian, FU Chuan-cheng, TU Chen, LI Lian-zhen, LUO Yong-ming
2019, 38(2): 198-204, 220. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190206
Microplastics characteristic in Yundang Wastewater Treatment Plant of Xiamen
WANG Wen-ling, LONG Zou-xia, YU Xing-guang, ZHANG Ji-wei, LIN Hui
2019, 38(2): 205-210. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190207
Distributions and influence factors of Eh and pH in the East China Sea in autumn
SUN Xue-shi, HU Zhi-zhou, LIU Ming, PANG Yue, FAN De-jiang
2019, 38(2): 211-220. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190208
Variation characteristics of the extreme sea surface temperature events in the Northwest Pacific and its relationship with ENSO over the past 33 Years
CHEN Zhi-wei, KANG Jian-cheng, GU Cheng-lin, XU Yong, TANG Ming, LU Kai
2019, 38(2): 221-232. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190209
Marine data quality inspection plan based on rough set of multiple attributes decision
CHEN Kuo, KUANG Cui-ping, WANG Lei, PEI Jun-feng, YANG Sheng-qiang, FENG Tao
2019, 38(2): 233-237. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190210
Study on sedimentation of graphene oxide in aqueous matrices with different salinity
ZHANG Nan-nan, DING Guang-hui, LI Xue-yao, LIU Quan-bin, XUE Huan-huan, CUI Fu-xu, ZHANG Jing
2019, 38(2): 238-243. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190211
Survey and assessment of seawater quality in Long island adjacent waters
HAN Bin, LIN Fa-xiang, DING Yu, LI Jing-xi, ZHENG Li
2019, 38(2): 244-250. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190212
Analysis on the changes of coastline development intensity in China recent 25years
ZHANG Yun, SONG De-rui, ZHANG Jian-li, ZHAO Jian-hua
2019, 38(2): 251-255, 277. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190213
Heavy metals in the surface sediment of Liaodong bay and their potential ecological risk
CHEN Sheng-tao, MIAO An-yang, WEN Ting-ting, YANG Xiao-fei, CHU Zhong-xin
2019, 38(2): 256-262. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190214
Inter-annual variations of spatial pattern of wintering anchovy, Engraulis japonicus in central and southern Yellow Sea
NIU Ming-xiang, WANG Jun
2019, 38(2): 263-271. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190215
Research on the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of Helice tientsinensis in Red Beach of the Liaohe estuary
HOU Wen-hao, LU Wei-zhi, ZHAO Kai-yuan, ZHANG Jia-lin, ZHANG Rui-jin, LEI Wei, LIAO Guo-xiang, LIU Chang-an
2019, 38(2): 272-277. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190216
Eco-environment quality assessment of macrobenthic community in the East Ningde sea waters
TANG Ya-fei, WANG Jin-hui, CHENG Hong, ZHENG Bi-qi, MA Zu-you
2019, 38(2): 278-285, 302. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190217
Effects of carbon source restricted on pH change during growth of red tides algae
LIU Yu, LOU Ya-di, WANG Hai-xia, LIU Qing
2019, 38(2): 286-293. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190218
Effects of the Liao river discharge on the dispersion of pollutants
LI Wei-wei, SUN Zhao-chen, LIANG Shu-xiu
2019, 38(2): 294-302. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190219
Determination of trace rare earth elements in seawater by ICP-MS with Mg(OH)2 co-precipitation treatment
LIU Yao, SONG Jin-ming, SUN Ling-ling, YU Ying, SUN Xuan
2019, 38(2): 303-309. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190220
Research on the conformance analysis method and judgement matrix for marine functional zoning
DING Yu-ping, MENG Xue, XU Wei, TENG Xin, DONG Yue-e, YUE Qi
2019, 38(2): 310-316. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190221
Comparison of the measuring accuracy between pipette and locomotive pipette in chemical analysis
LI Jun, SUN Ling-ling
2019, 38(2): 317-320. DOI: 10.12111/j.mes20190222